Celebrate the winning transactions closed in 2022 at the 7th edition of the Annual M&A Awards Gala with the most successful Quebec Dealmakers and advisory firms.
For more detailed information please consult our Gala Presentation.
Marc Tremblay & Robert Dorion, Gowling WLG - Le géant de l’agroalimentaire français Bonduelle S.A. cède 65% de Bonduelle Americas Long Life (BALL- maintenant Nortera) à FSTQ et CDPQ.
Deal of the Year: Accounting Firm
Philippe de Gaulle, Mazars - ArchiMed et CDPQ investissent dans Corealis Pharma Inc.
Deal of the Year: Financial Advisor (< $25M)
Mark Anthony Serri, RBC Mid-Market M&A - RBC Mid-Market M&A led the sell-side transaction, involving Dubo’s acquisition of CDE.
Deal of the Year: Financial Advisor ($25M-$100M)
François Tellier & Sid Nair, EY - Metrio Software Inc. has been sold by EY M&A Lead Advisory to Nasdaq.
Deal of the Year: Financial Advisor (> $100M)
Frédéric Bouchard, PwC CF - Fulcrum Capital Partners invested in VODA Backyard Leisure Group, a group comprised of three businesses : Pioneer Distribution, Club Piscine and Pool Supplies Canada.
Deal of the Year: Private Equity
Michael Netti Scala, CDPQ & Martin Ostiguy, Fonds de solidarité FTQ - Nortera Foods (Aliments Nortera inc.)
Deal of the Year: ESG
Louis Roy, Optel Vision inc. - Optel Vision et sa plateforme Optchain, une suite de solutions de chaîne d’approvisionnement intelligente.
Deal of the Year: Debt Financing
Alain Henry, Scotiabank - JLD-Laguë and Groupe Soucy have led the acquisition of Location Sauvageau Inc. and Location Jean Légaré.
Deal of the Year: Strategic Acquisition
Rémi Beaudoin, GRYB - Acquisition du Groupe Dalkotech.
Nominations are closed.
M&A Awards Gala Guest of Honor
Sylvain Corbeil, Senior Vice President, Business Banking Distribution, Quebec, Scotiabank
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